Why is this a good time to invest in Sarasota Real Estate?
Posted by Andree Huffine on
I know – just like so many people were convinced during the boom that housing prices would continue to appreciate at 30 – 40% a year forever, many are convinced that the downward trend will continue too. But take a look at the 40 years of history in these 2 graphs and I think logic will tell you otherwise. We can always look in the rear view mirror and say “that’s when I should have bought or sold an asset”. Savvy investors know the best way to time an asset sale or purchase is to look at trends.
Take a close look at this graph. This is a picture of US housing prices over the past 40 years, put together by author and real estate radio talk show host Greg Rand. You’ll notice that over time, housing has increased at a steady pace. As with all investment…
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