Real estate is a finicky, yet beautiful creature. There are ups, there are downs. It truly is a unique rollercoaster. However, as confidence is starting to gain steam this year, the industry faces a number of innovative and fundamental shifts that will have a colossal impact on the future of the market. These advances will completely reshape what the standard in the real estate industry really is. What will in-home technology look like? Will A.I. be a part of everyday life inside the home? Will exterior weather-proof technology finally take off in South Florida? What other tech changes are out there just waiting to be unearthed?
Not only will the major evolving landscape have incredible positive changes for current home-owners, but especially for real estate investors and developers. Developers will have been at the forefront of this market shift. This will give so many more options to those looking for homes. For those current home owners, it will give you an incredible opportunity to revamp your home into a tech-savvy estate. From the bolstering of technological advances in solar panels to the never surrendering speeding bullet of in-home A.I., there will be a myriad of options to revamp your home.
According to Forbes, by the year 2020, investable real estate will have grown by more than 55% compared to 2012. By the year 2025, up and coming markets (with growing tech industries) will harbor 60% of global construction development. Not only that. But by the year 2025, there will be 37 ‘megacities’, up from 23 today, and 12 of these will be in emerging markets, several being in the state of Florida. Look out for our very own West Florida to be on the top end of the rise of these technologically emerging real estate markets.
By quarter-century, the possibilities will be absolutely endless. Developers, investors and home-buyers will be playing on a completely different playing field than in today’s market. Projections for tech advances and real market value are nothing but positive. Look out for Florida to be at the helm of the real estate tech boom in years to come.
Posted by Andree Huffine, Sarasota Realtor on
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